At Hailsham Parish Church, we are passionate about knowing Jesus and making him known. If you would like to find out more about who Jesus is, this video is a short introduction to him and to what it means to be a Christian.
We are a Christian church
We believe in God who is Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who has revealed himself fully in the coming, dying and rising again of the Lord Jesus Christ and who draws us to Christ and gives us new life through the work of the Holy Spirit.
We are an evangelical church
We believe that God spoke and speaks through the Bible. It is God’s word written, inspired and infallible, our wonderful message of salvation and the supreme authority for all we do and say.
We are an Anglican church
We believe in the great truths of the Reformation set out when the Church of England was established that we are saved (justified) through faith alone, by God’s grace alone, through the work of Christ alone. These truths are set out in the 39 Articles of the Book of Common Prayer. In 2017 the PCC expressed its support for othodox Anglicans throughout the world and endorsed the Jerusalem Declaration (2008). In 2024, the PCC of this parish has passed a resolution under the House of Bishop's Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests to reflect our convictions on the distinctive ministries of men and women.