What is Christianity? It is all about one life, the life of Jesus. And it can be summed up in the answers to three questions:
- Who is Jesus?
- Why did Jesus come?
- What does it mean for us?
If you have ever asked these questions or are curious to find out then the christianity explored course is a simple introduction to the christian faith. It’s accessible to all and will answer these questions and is also a great refresher for those who have been Christians a while.
Come with a friend or on your own, we won’t embarrass you or assume anything. We promise a fun evening and to take your questions seriously.
Courses run regularly throughout the year.
Upcoming Course: Christianity Explored – starting in January
If you would like to explore more about what Christians believe,
then we would love to invite you to join us at Christianity Explored
Invitation flyers are available at the back of church for you or for
if you wish to invite a friend.

If you would like to know more:
Contact the church office: office@hailshamchurch.org