What is Christianity? It is all about one life, the life of Jesus. And it can be summed up in the answers to three questions:

  • Who is Jesus?
  • Why did Jesus come?
  • What does it mean for us?

If you have ever asked these questions or are curious to find out then the christianity explored course is a simple introduction to the christian faith. It’s accessible to all and will answer these questions and is also a great refresher for those who have been Christians a while.

Come with a friend or on your own, we won’t embarrass you or assume anything. We promise a fun evening and to take your questions seriously.

Courses run regularly throughout the year.

Upcoming Course: Hope Explored – starting in September

If you would like to explore what Christians believe, then we would love to invite you to
Christianity Explored’s sister course – Hope Explored

Invitation flyers are available at the back of church for you or for
if you wish to invite a friend.

If you would like to know more:

Contact the church office: office@hailshamchurch.org