We are a friendly, welcoming church of all ages and backgrounds at the heart of Hailsham.
We are committed to helping each other to know Jesus better through the Bible and to making Him better known, sharing his good news for all. Please use this site to find out more about us. Do get in touch if you have any questions, we’d love to have you at one of our services.
Our Sunday Morning Service is at 10.30am
Our main service on Sunday morning is at 10.30 am but there is also a Communion Service at 8.30 am. Please see the church calendar for more details.
For more details see our Sunday Services page
You will also be able to watch our Sunday Morning Service via a Livestream, simply click the ‘Livestream’ button above.

what's the best news you've ever heard?
Come along and explore the Christian faith. We won’t assume anything and you can ask any question you want.