Sunday Group
Children’s groups meet during part of every Sunday Morning Service – apart from the first Sunday of every month when we have an “All-Age” Service.
These groups are led by a team of volunteers from the Church, who all have enhanced DBS clearance.
Quest (year 7–9)
Quest is the group for the older children – they meet in the Ringing Chamber (up in the bell tower!).
In Quest, the older children explore the Bible and and learn what it means to follow Jesus. They enjoy discussions and debates and often have lots of questions for their leaders!
Youth Zone
Youth Zone is for everyone in school years 6-9+.
We have a varied programme throughout the year and it is a great opportunity for you to bring your friends along.
SALT is our group for those in school years 9-13 and is an opportunity for HPC teenagers and their friends to hang out, have fun and explore the Bible together. SALT currently meets at HPC on Thursdays, 7.45 – 9.15pm.
At Hailsham Parish Church we long to make disciples among our young people. David, Esther, Andrew and Anthea who lead the group are passionate to create a place where young people can feel welcomed, included and encouraged to follow Christ as well as equipped to serve Him in their lives now and into their lives.
We meet every Thursday during term times in the HPC church building. Each evening we hang out together, play some exciting games and look at the Bible together. Last term we were looking at what it means for God to be Good. Once a term we do a social together such as cricket in the park or a chip shop crawl. During the year we also run some events together with another local youth group, as well as serving together as part of the church holiday club team. Many of us are involved in Christian summer camps together which is a highlight of the year.
For more information about SALT either pick up a term card from the back of church, speak to Steve/Ann Somerville, Andrew/Anthea Risbridger or email the Church Office at
HPC Younger Musicians
HPC Younger Musicians is for children, young people and, optionally, their parents/carers. It meets on occasional Saturdays, usually from 4.15 until 5.15 pm.
For more information, contact Chris Taylor –