Do you want to know more about Jesus? Here are four things you could do next:


If you have heard and believed the message about Jesus, why not use these words to pray to God?

Lord Jesus, I believe that you rose from the dead. I call on your name and ask you to save me. I acknowledge you as my king and my God. I repent of my sins. I will stop living for myself and start worshipping you. Thank you for your promise to forgive my sins. I will declare my faith in you in public. Please help me to live for you by your Holy Spirit. Amen.

It’s good to tell someone you’ve made this commitment. Feel free to drop us a line to let us know.

Read on your own

Why not read Luke’s story of the life of Jesus (called a gospel)? You can do this for free by downloading a Bible app. We suggest you search for the YouVersion app in the Apple Store or Google Play store. Then download the NIV Anglicised translation and search for Luke. You can also listen to actor David Suchet, himself a Christian, read the text out.

Try Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is a free and informal chance to discover the hope Jesus offers.  We will take you seriously, we won’t assume anything, you’ll be very welcome.

Christianity Explored runs a few times every year.  For more information, get in touch at or call us and leave a message on 01323 442410 .

Talk to someone

If you’d just like to talk to someone, with no strings attached, why not drop us a line? We’d love to chat – even if it is just over the phone for the moment. Get in touch at or call us and leave a message on 01323 442410 . We’ll get right back to you.