The Big Top
Tue 25 – Fri 28 August 2020
From 10.00am – via YouTube!
On Monday, excitement began to build in The Big Top as final preparations were made – Ringmaster Lyn sent out the first video and explained that each day the children would meet an Old Testament character who would show them something of what God’s character is like.
Lyn also set a challenge for the boys and girls – to practice their circus skills (Lyn really needs to work on her juggling!)…
Scroll to the bottom of the page for our awesome highlights video!
Day One
Around 40 children watched online as Lyn introduced the first special guest – Strong Man Samson who showed us that God is stronger. Then Mo Tricks (part-time circus magician and part-time circus trainer) got the children warmed up with a few circus training tips – calling people to “roll up”, running into the queue and riding on the circus bike!
The morning continued with a lively, dramatic and somewhat dangerous narration (they brought the house down!) and learning more about Samson – God gave Samson the strength to defeat his enemies but one day God would send a perfect man to rescue his people.
Everyone was invited to join in with a very popular song “Super Saviour, Jesus!” – with flying heroes that you might recognise – and the children were asked to find their Big Top Goodie Bag and watch for instructions on how to make a grass-head!
Lyn brought the morning to a close with another challenge – find 5 things beginning with the letter “B” – for Big Top!
Day Two
Ringmaster Lyn tried to introduce the days special guest Fire-Eater Elijah – but she kept being interrupted by David and Cori clowning around, so she made them dissappear in a puff of smoke!
Mo Tricks set everyone up for the morning with a quick trick, then practising to walk a tightrope, jumping through fire and climbing ladders – quite a work out.
Chris, Cori and David took us through an exciting, but argumentative drama (this time they actually set an expensive table on fire!) and with Cori’s help we learnt that God is the one true, almighty and powerful God in whom we can trust when we met Fire-Eater Elijah.
Susie led everyone in another well-known song “My God is so big..” and then it was time to make a whirlygig – a good old fashioned spinning toy!
In the highlights we saw the responses to Day One challenges, laughed at some of the amazing grass-heads that were created and Lyn set another challenge – to send in picture or a joke – the clowns need some new material!
Day Three
Cori and David were brushing up on their circus skills (lots of work to do!) and Mo Tricks brought along his lion friend to share a joke before inspecting the circus ring, bouncing on the circus trampoline and doing some press-ups! Phew, it was tiring!
Everyone had a rest while the drama team introduced us to Neb, Nebby… Nebuchadnezzar!?… and also the main special guest Lion-Tamer Daniel, who showed us that our faithful God can be trusted. Chris told us more about Lion-Tamer Daniel, and how even King Darius told everyone that they should serve Daniel’s God – the one true God. I’m sure I heard a real lion in the video!
Our fun song for the day asked “How broad, how long, how high, high deep is the love of Christ?” – and answered “nothing can separate us from his love!” In the craft, the children made a trapeze playset and a couple of daring trapeze artists to recreate death defying stunts at home (safely!)
We had some hilarious jokes sent in (and soome not so funny!) and saw some super whirligigs – Lyn and the team left us with a “where am I?” challenge!
Day Four
Lyn had to make David and Cori disappear again for telling awful jokes and Mo Tricks led the children in a final circus training session – calling the crowd to “roll up”, becoming a circus star by doing star jumps and finally becoming a human cannonball!
Lyn, David and Chris introduced Ringmaster Moses, who God chose to lead his special people but he knew who was really in charge. This involved more fire – this time a buring bush! The burning bush really grabbed everyone’s attention! David used this to explain that leaders are really important, and help us to see that God (the most powerful letader) is in control and he cannot be stopped from saving His people.
This was followed by a final song “Our God is a great, big God!” – when we sing this during holiday club it usually seems to rattle the windows – so a great song to finish with! Children then used their Big Top Goodie Bags to make a set of 3 juggling balls and Sara set an extra challenge – for the children to learn how to juggle! I wonder if any will manage it?
We had some hilarious jokes sent in (and soome not so funny!) and saw some super whirligigs – Lyn and the team left us with a “where am I?” challenge!
The video contained another highight reel with picture of crafts and challenges that the children had sent in – what amazing work! Lyn finished off by thanking Matt and Ken for the fantastic work they put into making the Holiday Club videos, and inviting everyone to join us at the Service on Sunday – where they would get to meet Escape Artist Jonah who showed us that our merciful God loves sinners and wants us to come to him. (still available on YouTube!)